federal government spending

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New Federal Government Cannot Continue the Debt Binge

The new Liberal minority government should develop a credible plan to balance the budget and stop debt accumulation.

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Both frontrunning parties muddy their spending plans

The NDP has been the most transparent by clearly stating it would introduce a host of tax hikes.

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Calls for ever higher federal transfers disconnected from economic reality

Provincial transfers represented about 21 per cent of federal spending, up from 13 per cent in 1997.

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Ottawa must exercise more control over borrowing and spending
If this happens, interest payments on the federal debt would rise by nearly 60 per cent.

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Federal spending spree continues to outpace budget projections

In 2021/22, federal program spending is projected to increase by roughly $51.0 billion.

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Trudeau government fuels economic uncertainty

The prime minister’s mandate letter raised the idea of taxing "extreme wealth inequality.”

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Trudeau government spending large on Canada’s credit card

Federal program spending in 2021/22 is $54.4 billion higher than planned in November 2020.

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Federal ‘stimulus’ spending will likely arrive late with minimal benefits

The government says $101 billion in stimulus spending is required for “sustained economic recovery.”