Government Spending & Taxes

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Well-designed consumption taxes, of which sales taxes are one type, are much less damaging.

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Enhanced child benefit shuffles money among middle-class families via an expensive bureaucracy.

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Ontario has been racking up debt at a historically rapid pace and is on track to rack up still more debt in the years ahead.

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Canada’s premiers are meeting in Whitehorse, Yukon this week and health-care transfers from Ottawa may be high on the agenda.

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Almost half of all independent schools in Ontario have a religious orientation.

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Most Canadians are adequately prepared for retirement, making CPP expansion largely unnecessary.

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The returns of the CPP's investment arm in no way influence the CPP retirement benefits received by Canadian workers.

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The rate of return under the current CPP system is 2.1 per cent for Canadians born after 1971.

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Alberta's overall net financial assets deteriorated by $9.2 billion last year.

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The Ryan plan could incentivize high-income Canadians to relocate to the United States.

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