The province's net debt is projected to rise by more than $6 billion.
nova scotia
Every Nova Scotian is responsible for $18,906 in provincial government debt in 2023/24.
The province has some of the highest personal income taxes in North America.
In 2022, the province’s population grew by 7.7 people for every home completed—the second-lowest ratio in Canada.
Last year, the median wait time between referral to treatment in Nova Scotia was 58.2 weeks, dwarfing the national average.
By December 2020, a large body of research showed that children represented two per cent or less of diagnosed COVID cases.
Wages in the mining-sector are more than 40 per cent higher than the average in all other sectors in the province.
The province's top combined income tax rate is 54 per cent.
The average family in the province will pay more than 45 per cent of its income in taxes this year.