oil pipeline

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Federal government seems committed to killing investment in Canada

The government's new regulations will likely raise costs and curtail oil and gas production.

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Trans Mountain pipeline’s soaring cost provides more proof of government failure

Since the government purchased the project for $4.5 billion, the cost of the Trans Mountain expansion has ballooned to $34 billion.

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Government red tape may strangle another major natural resource opportunity

The Ring of Fire is an area in northern Ontario some 500 kilometres northeast of Thunder Bay. 

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Shutting down Line 5—bad for both sides of the border

The pipeline carries 540,000 barrels of oil and natural gas liquids per day to Ontario’s four operating refineries in Sarnia.

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Soaring pipeline price tag underscores problems with government-run projects

The Trans Mountain Pipeline expansion's cost has increased from $7.4 billion to $21.4 billion.

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Death of Keystone increases risk to people and the environment

Oil moved by rail is 4.5 times more likely to experience some kind of accident in transit than oil moved by pipeline.

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Line 5 shutdown would be devastating for Quebecers, Ontarians and the environment

The pipeline carries approximately 540,000 barrels of oil and natural gas liquids to refineries in Ontario.

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Keystone XL—perhaps Canada’s last great pipeline project

Some people still understand petroleum's role in the prosperity of modern societies.

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Biden’s Keystone cancellation another blow to Canada’s energy sector

The Trudeau government has increased uncertainty in the project approval process.