ontario government spending

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Ford government’s upcoming second budget should include real fiscal reform

Ontario's top marginal personal income tax rate of 53.53 per cent is the second-highest in North America.

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Ford government must get serious about reducing government debt
The Ford government should chart a course to pre-recession debt levels.

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Controlling government wages crucial to Ford’s deficit-reduction plan

Government-sector workers enjoy a wage premium of 10.3 per cent over workers in the private sector.

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How the Ford government can promote economic freedom in Ontario

Economic freedom benefits people throughout the income spectrum.

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Ford’s former finance minister proffers sound advice for his successor

Ontario's net debt will reach a forecasted $390 billion within the next five years.

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Ford government counting on revenue growth to outpace spending

The provincial net debt could hit $390 billion by 2023-24.

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Rising interest payments will make Ford’s life harder

Ontario’s debt load will soar to a forecasted $392 billion by 2023/24.

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Ford government following fiscal strategy of its predecessors

Ontario has the second-highest top combined provincial/federal marginal income tax rate in North America.