ontario government spending

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Ontario government is anything but ‘fiscally responsible’

This year the government plans to run a $9.8 billion deficit followed by a $4.6 billion deficit next year.

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Ontario government can’t blame fiscal woes on ‘slow’ economy

For the 2024/25 fiscal year, the budget projects a $6.1 billion increase in program spending.

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Municipal dollars in Ontario—where did the money go?

Municipal government spending in the province has grown 2.5 times faster than general inflation and two times faster than population.

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Ontario government’s economic plan full of obvious flaws

Government-sector employment in the province is up 18.5 per cent compared to only 11.7 per cent for the private sector.

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Ontario government’s fiscal history drenched in red ink

From 1968 to 2023, Ontario ran 48 deficits—or deficits 87 per cent of the time.

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Ontario government continues ‘party’ with taxpayer money

In 2017-18, Ontario government program spending was 17.3 per cent of GDP compared to 17.9 per cent this fiscal year.