Since 2015/16, federal gross debt has approximately doubled from $1.1 trillion to an expected $2.1 trillion this year.
federal budget
The province now has the fourth-highest top combined income tax rate in Canada and the United States.
Since 2015, federal spending has increased by more than 76 per cent.
From 2018 to 2022, each year (on average) the province added 86,339 residents while only adding 39,776 home completions.
Because of its own failures to responsibly manage the nation’s finances, Canada is in a weak fiscal position to increase defence spending.
The size of the federal government has expanded by more than one quarter in a decade.
Compared to last year’s fiscal plan, the government will now overspend by $120.8 billion over five years.
Only two provinces plan to run budget surpluses this year.
Only 16 per cent of Canadians said they receive good or great value for their tax dollars.