public health care

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Private clinics could help New Brunswick shorten brutal health-care wait times

Last year the province's median wait time for medically-necessary surgery was 52.6 weeks.

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Ottawa’s hostility toward private health care out of step with most Canadians

Last year, Canadians could expect a median wait of 27.4 weeks between referral to a specialist and receipt of treatment.

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Governments eschewed science during COVID response
A risk that only lightly threatened children was met with drastic efforts to shield children.

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No Minister Taylor, Canada can’t offer Kawhi ‘free’ health care

Last year, Ontarians waited (on average) 29.7 weeks for orthopedic surgery.

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The notion of “free health care” seems to have gained cult-like status in Canada. This is perplexing given that provincial/territorial government spending on health care (including federal transfers) accounted for 7.1 per cent ($141 billion) of the Canadian economy in 2014.