household income

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Taxes consume more than 45% of household income for average Canadian family

Expenditures on housing comprise less than half of what the average family pays in taxes.

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More than 70 per cent of Canadians feel the average family is over-taxed

Nearly half of Canadians feel they receive poor or very poor value from government services.

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What a difference a decade can make—southwestern Ontario’s sobering lesson for Alberta

Alberta had the lowest top personal income tax bracket in North America in 2014—now it has the 10th highest.

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Spike in household savings rate only temporary

The second quarter saw a spike to 28.2 per cent, the highest savings rate since at least 1961.

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New Brunswick’s high level of education spending produces relatively poor student performance

B.C. spends 19.6 per cent less than New Brunswick per student—$14,768 versus $11,879.

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Canadians must understand cost of Ottawa’s programs

The Canada Child Benefit will cost a planned $24.3 billion this year.

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The number of people needing “hampers” from the food bank increased by more than 50 per cent.