ontario deficit

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Ontario’s finances—back to the ’90s?

The province expects a $33.1 billion deficit next year.

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Ontario’s red ink—the Ford government should heed lessons from recent past

According to the recent budget, Ontario's deficits will average 3.7 per cent of GDP over the next three years.

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With right approach, Ford government can stop Ontario’s fiscal roller-coaster

Government workers in Ontario receive higher wages and more generous benefits than similar workers in the private sector.

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Ontario braces for largest budget deficits in provincial history

Over the next three fiscal years, Ontario’s cumulative deficit will hit a forecasted $99.7 billion.

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Ford’s deficit-reduction plan reminiscent of Rae, McGuinty, Wynne years

In fiscal year 2022/23, Ontario's government debt interest costs will reach $13.9 billion.

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Ontario stuck in vicious cycle of deficits and debt accumulation

The Ford government has said this week's budget will focus on COVID response measures.

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Ford’s tax pledge will help Ontario’s economy recovery

Ontario’s budget deficit will likely be the largest in provincial history.

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Premier Ford’s choice is clear—more government debt or real reform

Ontario’s net debt more than doubled in one decade, to $324 billion in 2017.

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Ontario budget deficit will reach historic levels

The province's deficit this year will be 4.6 per cent larger than the Ontario economy.