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More than 50 per cent of our tax dollars finance generous pay for government employees.

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Indigenous citizens would have a much bigger stake in their governance if they paid for it.

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When established in 1917, Canada’s Income Tax Act contained 3,999 words compared to 1,029,042 words today.

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Economic freedom is one of the main drivers of prosperity, as the Fraser Institute’s Economic Freedom of North America index (EFNA) has illustrated—and hundreds of independent studies have confirmed.

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Once government spending surpasses 30 per cent of GDP, economic growth declines.

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With tax season at hand, here’s a useful tip for any tax-weary Canadian. When some people refer to income or other money not taxed as a “loss” to government, remember that they may merely be using technical language. In contrast, others really do lament any reduction or “omission” in possible taxes that flow to governments.