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Survey asks questions about combat experience including being shot at and witnessing death.

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The owners of 67,000 lots currently zoned for single-family housing can now rebuild their homes as duplexes.

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Cash transactions are fastest, with a mean completion time of 15 seconds.

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The imbalance between the number of available units and the number of would-be renters drives up rents.

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Goods originating in China and destined for Canada go through a third country.

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Survey says large majorities of homeowners in Metro Vancouver and the Greater Toronto Area want housing prices to stop rising.

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When the Australian market was deregulated in 2000, the average price farmers received for raw milk almost doubled.

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Ontario’s population may grow by 30 per cent, from 14.2 to 18.5 million.

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People at the bottom of the income distribution aren’t poor because people at the top are rich.

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