gender disparity

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Economic freedom can help improve allocation of human capital for men and women
The gender wage gap is largely explained by differences in the educational and employment choices of men and women.

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Employers often have imperfect information about the potential productivity of new hires.

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Ottawa’s new gender pay ‘equity’ law will actually hurt female workers

Ottawa wants to force workplaces to provide free women’s sanitary products to employees.

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Freedom and equality for women and minorities—the real history you may not know

Progressive economists sought to exclude “unfit” workers—mostly women and minorities—from the labour market.

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What The Handmaid’s Tale can teach us about gender inequality

In countries where men and women’s economic rights are equally protected under the law, women live on average about nine years longer.

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Trudeau government should promote economic freedom for women worldwide

Twenty countries in the world require, by law, that women obey their husbands or another male guardian.