In 2024/25, federal program spending will reach a projected $483.6 billion—up $16.1 billion from the previous budget’s estimates.
Blog - Fraser Forum
According to projections, this federal government will possess the eight highest levels of per-person spending in Canadian history.
From 2015/16 to 2022/23, the government added more than $820 billion in gross federal debt.
Support for government-funded pharmacare, dental care and daycare plummeted to well below 50 per cent if the programs are paid for by tax hikes.
In recent decades, central banks have fought inflation using interest rates instead of monetary growth.
The Trudeau government has recorded the five-highest years of federal spending in Canadian history.
With no carrots in the form of market incentives, socialist leaders deployed a terrifying array of sticks.
B.C. trails far behind Alberta in head office employment.
Rather than adopt the discipline necessary to get back on track, Ottawa simply moves the goalposts.
According to projections, government debt interest will cost nearly $1,000 per British Columbian by 2026/27.
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