business investment

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U.S. states more unattractive to energy investors than most provinces—including Alberta

The legislation includes subjective criteria including the “social impact” of energy investment and its “gender implications."

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National economy relies heavily on Toronto and Vancouver housing markets

B.C. has seen relatively low levels of capital investment in productivity-enhancing assets.

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Post-COVID recovery should encourage growth of private sector in Canada

The relative size of government in Canada is well beyond the “optimal” size for promoting productivity growth.

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New Brunswick must improve investment climate during COVID recovery
The province's non-residential investment declined by -0.1 per cent annually.

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Insights from the Text of the Throne Speech

The Trudeau government sees the government itself as the driver of prosperity, and the private sector, including entrepreneurs, small business owners and investors playing a secondary role.

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Trudeau government should pivot away from Morneau-era policies of weakness

Investment in machinery, equipment, factories, intellectual property and other assets declined by 17.3 per cent.

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Memo to Finance Minister Freeland—we have an investment crisis in Canada

More than $185 billion in net investment left the country from 2014 to 2019.

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Trump’s TikTok move sends clear warning to Canadian companies

The Trump administration has repeatedly promoted mercantilist industrial policy.

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History is clear—the Trudeau government needs to change direction

More than 60 per cent of families in the bottom 20 per cent pay higher income taxes today because of the discontinued tax credits.