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Canada’s federal bureaucracy expanding rapidly at your expense

Since 2015, the number of employees at the federal department for Women and Gender Equality increased by 382 per cent.

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Outdated EI system adds to Atlantic Canada’s labour challenges

More than 267,000 Atlantic Canadians currently receive some form of EI benefit.

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Artificial Intelligence will kill jobs—and create them

The extent and urgency of educating and training workers should not be overestimated.

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Ontario’s minimum wage will stay at $14 per hour next year.

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Compared to people in other provinces, Albertans are more likely to experience long spells of unemployment.

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Government workers in B.C. are absent from their jobs for personal reasons 49 per cent more often than private-sector workers.

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A recent Supreme Court decision in the United States will allow workers in the government sector to decide whether they pay union dues or not.

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The entrepreneur played a prominent role in the work of the classical economists, particularly in the French tradition.

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An argument you hear a lot these days is that if the state paid for daycare, then more mothers would enter the workforce.