student performance

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Don’t scrap final exams—some stress is good for students

According to the school board, it scrapped exams to better support the mental health and well-being of students.

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ChatGPT underscores importance of traditional education

Tests are the best way to assess students on actual knowledge and skills acquired in a course.

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Ontario government has failed to fix math education in the province

The Toronto school board wants to lift the “veil of objectivity” from mathematics.

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Data refute claims of ‘white supremacy’ in standardized testing

Ninety-two per cent of immigrant parents of K-12 children support standardized testing in schools.

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Teach students how to think—not what to think

Students are sometimes labelled “privileged” or “oppressed” based solely on their skin colour.

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PISA results—a breakdown by province

Manitoba, Saskatchewan and New Brunswick are among the lowest-scoring provinces on both assessments.

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PISA results—a snapshot of schools in Canada

When governments closed schools and disrupted learning, many families rediscovered the important contributions schools make to modern society.

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School boards should focus on academics and order

In London, the district’s director of education wants to reduce the number of student suspensions—despite violent incidents.

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Schools shouldn’t abandon tests and exams

There’s a close link between background knowledge and reading comprehension.

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Math teachers should teach math—not ‘social justice’

The school board is telling Toronto teachers to “incorporate issues of social justice in mathematics learning.”