bc tax system

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British Columbia should replace PST with an HST

The tax leads to higher operating costs that hurt the competitiveness of businesses in the province.

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High income taxes make B.C. less attractive and productive

The province's top combined income tax rate increased from 43.7 per cent to 53.5 per cent.

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B.C. government should tackle province’s tax competitiveness problem

The province has the highest average level of tax on new investment of any large province.

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Tax competitiveness—B.C. goes from bad to worse

The Horgan government raised the general corporate income tax rate.

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There’s nothing ‘affordable’ about a $1,000 tax increase

The B.C. government also raised the general business income tax rate from 11 per cent to 12 per cent.

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B.C.’s overall tax rate on new investment is 27.7 per cent—the highest rate in Canada.