corporate subsidies

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Alberta should not enable corporate welfare

The Kenney government wants to grant municipalities the ability to offer tax incentives to specific industries.

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Loblaws subsidy underscores Canada's flawed climate plan

Only an estimated 90 per cent of new revenue from the federal carbon tax will be returned to taxpayers.

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Pipeline expansion project may generate $50 billion in government revenue over 20 years.

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Kinder Morgan stopped all “non-essential spending” on the $7.4 billion project due to regulatory, legal and political barriers.

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It’s not clear that the usual way of doing journalism these days contributes much to good government.

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For the “typical family” of four, the cost per billion dollars of assistance is $114.28.

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Government support for national airplane producers can come at a great cost.

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The federal government will provide Bombardier, a Canadian aerospace company, with interest-free loans totalling $372.5 million.

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Green-tech advocates have convinced governments to spend untold billions of dollars on subsidies.

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Back in the 20th century, much of the world’s politics was shot through with deep-rooted ideologies that had a considerable effect, often negative, on humanity. This month, as the world recalls the 70th anniversary of D-Day and its aftermath, it is helpful to recall those ideologies and their influence on political debates.