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Don’t shoot the financial-market messenger

Financial markets are responding to an induced recession.

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What is Modern Monetary Theory and why is it gaining currency in these volatile times?

Providing income support to workers and businesses involves large increases in government expenditures.

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Ottawa has a middle-class definition problem

The OECD defines the middle class as anyone earning between 75 per cent and 200 per cent of median household income after tax.

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Stabilizing income vs. economic stimulus—what’s the difference?

Most people use extra one-time money from government to pay down debt or save.

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China sees trade as tool of state policy, diplomatic weapon

Someone should ask Ambassador Peiwu how much property Canadians own in China.

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Kenney government squanders opportunity to strengthen path to balanced budget
Alberta's 2020 budget calls for $1.75 billion in additional government spending.

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Alberta’s finances still rapidly eroding

By 2022/23, the province will have accumulated an estimated $46.6 billion in net debt.

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Coronavirus shockwaves felt around the world economy

From 1973 to 1996, Canada's average annual unemployment rate was 8.9 per cent.

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Most effective pro-housing reforms have nothing to do with more government spending

Housing unit completions in B.C. have remained relatively flat over the last decade.

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