Fraser Forum

Government Spending & Taxes

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The need for infrastructure spending in Canada is getting a lot of attention this election, with all the parties presenting platform planks on the amounts they would spend.

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The current election campaign has seen a lot of attention focused on balancing the federal budget and the size of the federal deficit. Perhaps some historical perspective will better inform the debate.

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This fiscal year, Canada's federal government will send more than $68 billion in transfer payments to the provinces.

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While all three party leaders tried to assure us that they are best able to guide us through an uncertain economic world, all missed the fundamental point that Canada is a small open economy.

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One of Canada’s most important positive policy reforms over the past 15 years has been on corporate taxes.

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Deficits and debt, uncompetitive personal income tax rates, and the decline in business start-ups.

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With a large deficit looming, it's a good time to put Alberta’s finances in longer-term perspective.

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Green-tech advocates have convinced governments to spend untold billions of dollars on subsidies.

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There’s increasing evidence of a relationship between entrepreneurship and age. Younger people are less risk-averse than older people, and more prone to question the status quo. These characteristics are fundamental to entrepreneurism. So how can government influence entrepreneurship to mitigate these demographic effects?

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Despite gloomy post-recession pronouncements from some analysts, slow economic growth is not preordained in Canada.

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