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This paper uses the index published in Economic Freedom of North America (Karabegović and McMahon, 2008) to examine the impact of the relationship between resource dependence and institutional quality on economic development in US states. Studies have shown that resources can indeed crowd out such factors as investment, education, and the economy's efforts at industrialization, a situation now known as Dutch Disease, named after the experience of the Netherlands when the discovery of natural-gas fields led to a decline of the manufacturing sector.

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The Fraser Institute's annual Generosity Index measures this private monetary generosity using readily available data on the extent and depth of charitable donations, as recorded on personal income tax returns in Canada and the United States. As it has done in previous years, the 2009 index reveals a substantial generosity gap between the two countries.

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The allocation of investment capital, both internationally and domestically, is increasingly acknowledged as a leading contributor to a jurisdiction's economic success or failure.

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This report studies the financial sustainability of health spending by provincial governments in Canada. This report uses an empirical trend analysis to estimate long-term future sustainability. The trend is derived from the average annual growth rates for total provincial government health expenditures and total available provincial government revenue from all sources over the most recent 10-year period. Government spending on health care is considered to be financially unsustainable when it grows faster (on average) than revenue over the trend period.

This report also examines the long-term feasibility of the attempts of provincial governments to deal with the unsustainable growth in health spending through increased taxation and centrally planned rationing. Our analysis partially exposes the degree to which Canadians are paying more for government health insurance while getting less in return.

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In late 2007, when the Fraser Institute published the first study on corporate welfare, the tally between April 1, 1994 and March 31, 2004 amounted to $144 billion. Two years later, we have statistics up to March 31, 2007; the total now stands at $202.7 billion. Canadian governments distributed subsidies worth $202.7 billion to businesses between April 1, 1994 and March 31, 2007.

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In 2003 we added psychiatry to the annual measurement of waiting lists reported in Waiting Your Turn , thus creating the first national, comprehensive, and comparable measurement of waiting times for mental health services available in Canada.

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The Economic Freedom of the Arab World: 2009 Annual Report compares and ranks Arab nations in five economic freedom areas: size of government; commercial and economic law and security of property rights; access to sound money; freedom to trade internationally, and the regulation of credit, labour, and business.