Grady Munro

Policy Analyst, Fraser Institute

Grady Munro is a Policy Analyst at the Fraser Institute. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in Economics from Macalester College in Minnesota, and a Master’s Degree in Public Policy at the University of Calgary. Mr. Munro’s commentaries have appeared in the Toronto Sun, Halifax Chronicle Herald, and Vancouver Province. His research focuses on government spending, debt, and taxation.

Recent Research by Grady Munro

— Jul 16, 2024
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New Federal Fiscal Framework for Canada

A New Federal Fiscal Framework for Canada finds that if the federal government reduced program spending by only 2.3 per cent over two years and eliminated a host of tax expenditures, it could balance the budget and reduce personal income tax rates affecting most Canadians.

— Jun 13, 2024
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Tax Freedom Day measures the total annual tax burden imposed on Canadian families by federal, provincial, and municipal governments. This year, it arrives on Thursday, June 13—four days later than in 2019, the last year before the pandemic.

— May 16, 2024
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Changes in Per-Person GDP (Income): 1985 to 2023

Changes in Per-Person GDP (Income): 1985 to 2023 finds that from 2019 to 2023, Canadian living standards declined—and as of the end of 2023, the decline had not yet ended.