Other Research Topics

— Sep 24, 2024
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Weakness of Corporate Investment in Canada, 2001–2021

The Weakness of Corporate Investment in Canada, 2001-2021: Identification and Assessment finds that business investment in high-tech and innovative asset categories—crucial to raising living standards—has been significantly weaker in Canada than in the U.S. for the past 20 years, and the gap has grown larger since 2014.

— Sep 5, 2024
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Central Bank Forward Guidance: Handle With Care

Central Bank Forward Guidance: Handle With Care is a new study that assesses the increased use and effectiveness of forward guidance by central banks—that is, providing information to the public about the projected path of their policy interest rate to shape expectations—over the last 15 to 20 years spanning the period of the Global Financial Crisis and Great Recession to the COVID-19 pandemic.

— Jul 11, 2024
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Comparing the Investment Performances of Canada and the United States over the Past Five Decades

Comparing the Investment Performances of Canada and the United States Over the Past Five Decades is a new study that finds weak business investment in technologies that increase worker productivity over the past decade is stifling Canada’s economic growth and suppressing improvements in Canadian living standards when compared to other OECD countries—especially the United States, which has only grown in these areas.

— Jul 4, 2024
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Ottawa’s Regulatory Assault on the Extraction Sector and Its Impact on Investment

Ottawa’s Regulatory Assault on the Extraction Sector and its Impact on Investment is the latest installment in the Institute’s essay series on federal policy reforms. Authored by Senior Fellow Kenneth Green, this essay spotlights the excessive regulatory burden that has been imposed on the oil and gas sector in Canada over the past 10 years and highlights how much-needed business investment in the industry has declined as a result.

— Apr 26, 2024
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Canada's Regulatory Overburden

Canada’s Regulatory Overburden is the latest essay in the Institute’s series on federal policy reforms. It finds Canadian businesses are overburdened by excessive and costly regulations, which deter investment and stifle economic growth.

— Jan 23, 2024
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Stagnation in Atlantic Canada’s Private Sector

Stagnation in Atlantic Canada’s Private Sector: Measuring Progress 2007 to 2019 is a new study that analyzes the private sector in Atlantic Canada and across the country between 2007 and 2019, finding that the region's private sector trailed the rest of the country, failing to improve over the period.

— Dec 5, 2023
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The Next Generation: Innovating to Improve Indigenous Access to Finance in Canada

The Next Generation: Innovating to Improve Indigenous Access to Finance in Canada is a new study that finds a well-functioning Indigenous financial system is essential to promoting investment and economic development and raising living standards in Indigenous communities.

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