The NFL has changed the rules over time, to better protect quarterbacks and promote a more offensively-oriented game.
Unemployment is lower than it’s been in at least 42 years.
Statistics Canada again tried to explain the productivity slowdown of the last two decades.
Cash transactions are fastest, with a mean completion time of 15 seconds.
Back then, many countries including Germany, Japan and the United States embraced List’s tariff walls.
An argument you hear a lot these days is that if the state paid for daycare, then more mothers would enter the workforce.
Universities are actually eager to increase the proportion of female professors.
Econ Journal Watch—a web-based triannual journal and podcast—has provided an outlet for pointed, constructive criticism of professional economics for 15 years.
Only surprises have real effects, Friedman argued, but their effects last only until people realize what’s going on.