energy policy

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Ottawa should abandon unfeasible and damaging ‘net-zero’ plan

Shifting to lower-emission energy generation has raised the cost of power in Canada.

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Government policies diminish Alberta in eyes of investors

The federal government has imposed complex, uncertain and onerous review requirements on major energy projects.

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Ottawa’s new ‘energy efficiency’ regulations will increase home prices in Saskatchewan

In 2022, the province’s population grew by 29,307 people while only 3,479 new homes were built.

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The people will reject the globalist ‘climate’ agenda

With climate change, technocrats reduce complex and uncertain matters to dogmatic slogans.

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Ottawa’s new ‘energy efficiency’ regulations will increase home prices in Nova Scotia

New federal regulations will add an estimated $30,677 to the cost of a new home in the province by 2030.

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Ottawa’s new ‘energy efficiency’ regulations will increase home prices in B.C.

The new regulations will add more than $78,000 to the cost of a newly constructed home in the province.

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Government policies may soon plunge millions of Canadians into ‘energy poverty’

The federal government's carbon tax is set to reach $170 per tonne of emissions by 2030.

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Alberta’s showdown with Ottawa should focus on means, not ends

The federal government's emission-control plans would cripple the province's oil and gas industry.