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The current Special Issues Bulletin is the Institute's first foray into the area of attempting to document the extent to which queuing or waiting lists are being used as a means of adapting to the conflict between limited budgetary allocations and unlimited demand for free health care.

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Despite innovations in communications and transportation, it takes about the same amount of time to deliver a letter today as it did 200 years ago. In 1981 the Post Office Department became Canada Post, a Crown corporation with increased autonomy that would, it was assumed, lead to improved efficiency and service. But Canada Post has failed to deliver on its promises. This in-depth analysis explains why service is not likely to improve until the Crown corporation is privatized and subject to competition.

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The poor are poor not because the rich are rich but in spite of that fact. Father Schall sees an important role for religion as a wealth-creating institution, but he strenuously opposes the church's persistent opposition to democratic capitalism - the last great hope for the poor. This iconoclastic book trenchantly analyses numerous religious sacred cows and finds them all wanting. Father Schall, a Jesuit priest who is a member of the Political Science Faculty of Washington's Georgetown University, views social justice as an attempt to wrest control of the economy from the citizen and thereby strengthen the state. He lauds the profit motive as a great boon to the poor, and criticizes government welfare programs for being dependence creators.

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Economics and the environment - implausible bedfellows at the best of times. However, the world runs on well-understood principles, and environmentalists' goals must translate into workable economic solutions. Using the building blocks of free market prices, private property rights, and a justice system that protects such rights, the contributors to this unique volume demonstrate how the economics of the market can be used to attain ecologically sound environmental goals efficiently and effectively. Free enterprise is not the cause of environmental problems, but it can be part of the solution. There is no intrinsic conflict between the market and the environment. Economics and the Environment explores the idea that a reconciliation between economics and ecology is not only possible but desirable as well.

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For three years the Fraser Institute has conducted a project examining the relationship between economic development and civil, political, and economic freedoms. The purpose of the project is ultimately to construct a global index of economic freedom and thereby to facilitate such an examination. Such an index could also be used in analysis to predict the economic consequence of changes in the level of economic freedom in different countries.

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Many of the criticisms and comments directed at monetary policy are founded on a lack of understanding of how the process actually operates. The operation of monetary policy will be considerably enhanced if more people understand the details of the process. The basic objective of this book is to delve into the Bank of Canada's weekly Bank Statement in detail; to set out the essential raw material lying behind the tools, mechanisms, and mechanics of monetary policy implementation by going through the weekly Bank Statement page by page and column by column.

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The services economy is pregnant with paradox. It employs our most-skilled and our least-skilled workers. The small productivity increase of service sector workers is regarded as one of the key problems facing us in a future in which four-fifths of the work-force will be employed in the service sector. At the same time, productivity-enhancing outputs from the service sector are the key to future world growth and development. While we can't get rich taking in each other's laundry, the failure to do so as the world economy becomes more 'roundabout' would doom us to stagnation.