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Economists from nine countries examine the impact of their tax system on the economy of their own country. The authors provide concrete evidence on the extent of the tax burden and how it affects economic and social behaviour. The analysis suggests the emergence of a burgeoning underground economy as citizens attempt to avoid or evade taxation.

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Session IV of the Mont Pelerin Society 1983 Regional Meeting.

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Session III of the Mont Pelerin Society 1983 Regional Meeting.

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Session II of the Mont Pelerin Society 1983 Regional Meeting.

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Free economic activity zones, or free market zones as they are often called, have generated many economic and social benefits and have proven politically acceptable in an increasing number of industrialized and developing countries.

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The Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (Episcopal Commission for Social Affairs) is to be congratulated for its recent report, Ethical Reflections on the Economic Crisis.

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An address by Alan A. Walters to the Annual General Meeting of the Fraser Institute on March 28, 1983 in Vancouver, BC.