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The unlawful production, distribution, and sale of cigarettes in Canada appear to have reached unprecedented levels in recent years, creating challenges for public health officials, law enforcement, tax authorities, policy makers, and the public.

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This study addresses many of the myths and misunderstandings about the HST, highlights the shortcomings of the current provincial sales tax system, and explains the differences between the PST and the harmonized sales tax.

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This report presents the results of the Fraser Institute’s 4th annual survey of petroleum industry executives and managers regarding barriers to investment in oil and gas exploration and production in various jurisdictions around the world. The survey responses have been tallied to rank provinces, states, and countries by the severity of investment barriers such as high tax rates, costly regulatory schemes, and security threats, among other factors.

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This Alert provides an empirical measurement of the impact of the HST on the average British Columbian family. The Fraser Institute is well suited to provide such an analysis; it has a long history of measuring how much tax, in all forms, British Columbians pay. For example, the Fraser Institute annually calculates and publishes the most popular and easily accessible measure of the total taxes Canadians pay: Tax Freedom Day.

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This study provides an overview of global water supplies and Canada’s hydrology, including current patterns of water use, as well as a review of the laws and regulations that govern the resource. Water diversions and transfers, both past and present, are summarized, as are the benefits of and challenges to water exports. It concludes with recommendations for policy reforms.

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The Report Card on Secondary Schools in British Columbia and Yukon collects a variety of relevant, objective indicators of school performance into one easily accessible, public document so that all interested parties—parents, school administrators, teachers, students, and taxpayers—can analyze and compare the performance of individual schools. Parents use the Report Card’s indicator values, ratings, and rankings to compare schools when they choose an education provider for their children. Parents and school administrators use the results to identify areas of academic performance in which improvement can be made.

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The findings of this study suggest that, on average, greater government intervention in Canada’s drug markets has not provided more affordable access to prescription drugs relative to less interventionist policy in the United States. This study notes that if other indirect factors are taken into account, there are probably net socio-economic costs associated with government intervention.