federal budget

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As the Liberals table their first budget today, federal government debt has reached $692 billion.

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On the eve of the new Liberal government’s first federal budget, the key is to get incentives right at home.

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Prime Minister Trudeau’s upcoming first budget reportedly contains a deficit in excess of $30 billion.

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The new federal Liberal government will table its first budget next week, with media reports suggesting a deficit triple the amount promised during the election campaign.

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The TD forecast shows a persistent federal deficit of approximately $30 billion a year for the foreseeable future.

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Per capita federal net debt (in 2015 dollars) grew from $577 in 1870 to $19,302 in 2015.

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Once new major spending is factored in, the annual deficit is likely to be more than $25 billion.

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Prime Minister Trudeau recently mused that not only will the $10 billion deficit ceiling be broken, but the return to a balanced budget by 2019/20 is now in question.

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Today, newly minted federal Finance Minister Bill Morneau released his first Update of Economic and Fiscal Projections. Unfortunately, the outlook isn’t positive.