income tax rates

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Ontarians face some of the highest income tax rates in North America

An individual making C$50,000 per year faces a higher income tax rate in Ontario than in every U.S. state.

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Federal government should cut taxes in upcoming budget to spur economic growth

From 2013 to 2022, per-person economic growth—a broad measure of living standards—was at its lowest rate since the Great Depression.

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Federal debt interest will consume nearly one quarter of income tax revenue in 2024

From 2015/16 to 2022/23, the government added more than $820 billion in gross federal debt.

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B.C. government maintains high tax rates despite prosperity gap in region

The province had the fourth-highest top combined income tax rate among 61 Canadian and U.S. jurisdictions.

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Ottawa delivering economic stagnation—not progress

The quarterly declines in real per-person GDP have occurred before, during and after the pandemic.

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Toronto should reduce spending before raising taxes on homeowners

Salaries for municipal government staff in Toronto were an estimated 11.2 per cent higher than private-sector rates.

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24 facts for 2024—Canadians should understand impact of government policies

More than 60 per cent of lower-income families now pay higher federal income taxes.

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Canadian businesses must prepare for heavier tax burden in 2024

The federal carbon tax will rise to $80 per tonne this year.