ontario deficit

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Ontario will run its eighth consecutive budget deficit in 2015/16, with a projected $7.5 billion shortfall.

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This year, Ontario is projected to run its eighth consecutive budget deficit, which will be approximately $7.5 billion.

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Between 2001 and 2008, Ontario provincial government spending grew at an average of five per cent annually while revenues only grew four per cent.

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The Ontario government has pledged to eliminate its budget deficit by 2017/18. However, the government’s recent record on fiscal issues casts doubt on whether it will meet this target.

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Recent deficit reduction track record is quite weak, which is why Ontario is still running an $8.5 billion deficit in 2015/16, several years after the recent recession.

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According to the Globe and Mail, Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne has a new advisor, former TD Bank chief executive officer, Ed Clark. Mr. Clark will apparently advise the government on a host of issues including finding new sources of revenue to help balance the provincial budget.

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Despite the talk of painful austerity, Ontario’s recent budget continues to bleed red ink. Finance Minister Charles Sousa projects a deficit this year of $8.5 billion, and doesn’t predict an actual balancing of the books until 2017-18 fiscal year.

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How governments manage their finances matters a great deal. Spend and borrow too much and the result is a spiral of increasing deficits that create ever higher debt. Then, ever-more tax dollars end up spent on debt interest—not on education, health care, administering provincial courts, or other areas in which provincial governments are involved.

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The other day former Ontario Premier Bob Rae, fumed at a column by economist Jack Mintz who noted the similarities between the current Kathleen Wynne government and Rae’s reign as premier of Ontario, specifically the “high deficits, debt and taxes.”

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Ontario Finance Minister Charles Sousa called his updated financial plan “a new direction” but in truth it had a nostalgic feel. With his government facing considerable fiscal challenges including an $11.7 billion deficit and growing debt, Ontarians desperately needed a new direction. What they actually got was more of the same: increased spending and a government reluctant to deal with core problems.