optimal size of government

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Growing the government won’t help Canada’s economy

The Trudeau government has recorded the five-highest years of federal spending in Canadian history.

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If provinces and states are too big (or too small) it’s a problem

Ontario is roughly three times larger than both B.C. and Alberta.

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Size of government—a pre-pandemic problem

Government spending represented 40.4 per cent of the country's economy in 2019, up from 37.4 per cent in 2007.

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Bigger government in Canada—there’s no free lunch

When tax rates increase, people often change their economic behaviour in ways that shrink the targeted tax base.

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Large governments in the Maritimes stifle economic growth

In the last year of reliable data before the pandemic, government spending in Nova Scotia represented 60.2 per cent of the economy.

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Are some provinces and states too big to succeed?

Subnational jurisdictions of around 9.5 million people seem to be the fastest-growing economies.

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Size of government matters for economic growth

Nova Scotia recorded the largest government sector at 61.6 per cent of the economy, more than double the optimal size.