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Manitoba woman’s plight typical of Canada’s broken health-care system

Higher-performing universal health-care systems fund their hospitals based on services they provide.

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British Columbia adding government debt faster than any other province

By 2029/30, B.C. is on track to have more government debt per person than Quebec and Ontario.

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Storm clouds may be brewing for Alberta’s finances

Good fiscal planning is about making prudent choices.

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To be cost-effective, carbon taxes must meet certain conditions.

To be cost-effective, carbon taxes must meet certain conditions.

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B.C. government should improve health-care access at home rather than ship patients to U.S.

Last year patients in the province faced a median wait of 27.7 weeks from GP referral to a specialist to treatment.

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Is Ontario too Toronto-centric?

The Greater Toronto Area accounts for more than 20 per cent of the province's population.

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Central bank ‘forward guidance’—a valuable tool when used wisely

The Bank of Canada recently lowered its policy rate, making it three cuts in a row.

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Historic decline in Canadian living standards officially reaches five-year mark

While the aggregate economy grew, inflation-adjusted GDP per person declined during the second quarter of 2024.

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Dearth of medical resources harms Canadian patients

Canada ranked 25th of 29 comparable countries with universal health care on the number of MRIs.

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